Data should enable innovation, not block it
Demands on applications ─ and on developers ─ have never been higher. Modern applications need to run equally well across platforms, deliver rich experiences backed by real-time data and analytics, and play nicely with legacy technologies.
To pull this off, your team needs to use the right tools on the right platforms. And often, data and the infrastructure to manage it is a blocker. As legacy relational databases become unable to provide the functionality necessary for modern applications, teams bolt on new, special purpose databases, then start building ETL pipelines to connect them. Over time, that results in spiraling maintenance costs, which become a tax on innovation ─ the Data and Innovation Recurring Tax, or DIRT.
How can you tell if your data architecture is slowing down your innovation? Watch for these 10 real-world pain points
that can tell you that all is not well in your infrastructure. Among them:
#2: Insights come by the month or the week, not the minute.
#5: Rampant data duplication makes compliance a nightmare.
#9: Your application is a great success — but you can’t scale.
In this paper, you’ll learn to identify all 10 signs that your data architecture is holding you back ─ and what you can
do about it.
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