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Accelerate genomic discoveries with AWS for Genomics
Accelerate genomic discoveries with AWS for Genomics

Thursday, 2 June, 2022

Learn how leading genomics organizations including Illumina, DNAnexus, GRAIL, and Genomics England leverage AWS for Genomics to optimize operations, safeguard data, and elastically scale to navigate ebbs and flows.

Data Exchange: Improve Quality Measures and Patient Outcomes
Data Exchange: Improve Quality Measures and Patient Outcomes

Tuesday, 21 June, 2022

The pandemic’s long-term effect of widening previously existing gaps in care has exacerbated disparities in social determinants of health. A substantial portion of people who delayed or missed life-saving screenings during the pandemic, still have not gotten the pre-emptive healthcare they need. This has public health experts and medical practitioners concerned about the significant repercussions these missed screenings will have over time.

Effective Strategies for Leveraging Vital Life Science Data
Effective Strategies for Leveraging Vital Life Science Data

Monday, 1 August, 2022

Data is vital to every life science company. The top 10 global life science organizations (by revenue) spend more than $100 million per year on data investments, and nearly the same amount on analytics, reporting, and data science. While this industry requires a unique data framework to manage regulatory, privacy, and compliance rules and regulations, most life science companies do not have a cohesive, organization-wide approach to managing their data.

How interoperability is transforming healthcare
How interoperability is transforming healthcare

Sunday, 7 August, 2022

With the hit of the Coronavirus crisis, the acute need for interoperable health IT infrastructure in the U.S has become more apparent than ever. However, although industry supports interoperability in theory, pursuit of the goal threatens entrenched interests for payers, providers and health IT companies.

Inside the relationship between providers and payers
Inside the relationship between providers and payers

Monday, 8 August, 2022

Payers and providers have always had to work with each other in healthcare. As M&A intensifies and companies are more likely to embrace more holistic and value-based care models, the partnerships have become more closely intertwined.

Navigating Telehealth Billing Amid New Trends in Virtual Care Uptake
Navigating Telehealth Billing Amid New Trends in Virtual Care Uptake

Monday, 3 January, 2022

The “new normal.” It’s an overused phrase, but it’s a reality. The pandemic changed a lot about the ways we work, live and care for ourselves and each other. In healthcare, it meant a significant shift to virtual care whenever possible.

Payer/Provider relationships
Payer/Provider relationships

Tuesday, 9 August, 2022

Payers and providers have always had to work with each other in healthcare. As M&A intensifies and companies are more likely to embrace more holistic and value-based care models, the partnerships have become more closely intertwined.

Planning a Telehealth Strategy Amid Regulation Uncertainty
Planning a Telehealth Strategy Amid Regulation Uncertainty

Wednesday, 3 August, 2022

​In the public health emergency of the last two years, state and federal regulators pressed pause on stringent laws that regulate remote care delivery. Telehealth use soared. It was a big shift for providers, but they adapted with new models for remote care, and patients have come to expect it, citing convenience and greater accessibility.

Providing Clean Air and Peace of Mind for Your Patients, Providers, Staff, and Others
Providing Clean Air and Peace of Mind for Your Patients, Providers, Staff, and Others

Monday, 21 March, 2022

The healthcare industry has experienced a significant surge in demand for air purifiers. Most clinics and hospitals are running full-time while dealing with the ongoing impacts and demand generated by the COVID19 outbreak. Indoor air quality has always been a concern, of course, especially in medical settings due to aerosols from procedures, patients with airborne virus, and a need to disinfect not only surfaces, but also the air.

The Health Consumer-as-Payer and What It Means for Pharma
The Health Consumer-as-Payer and What It Means for Pharma

Monday, 18 July, 2022

Beyond physical distancing over two-plus years during the pandemic, many patients have ‘medically distanced’ themselves, a phenomenon that has exacerbated existing chronic conditions as well as postponed disease diagnoses.

The state of drug pricing in 2022
The state of drug pricing in 2022

Thursday, 14 July, 2022

Drug pricing reform in the U.S. is both further along than it’s been in years and stuck facing the same long odds that have frustrated past attempts at a major federal overhaul. If recent actions from Congress and the White House are any indication, pricing looks set to remain pharma’s greatest reputational risk of 2022 and beyond.

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